Revival, part 1
* Unless otherwise indicated excerpts are taken from Revival! by Brian Edwards, Authentic Records of Revivals by Reid and The Power of Prayer by Samuel Prime. The following has been transcribed from a sermon preached at the Church at War conference in Waterloo, Ontario (with minor edits). We have heard with our ears O God our fathers have told us what work thou didst in their days in the times of old… and the psalmist when on then to plead with God to do it again. - Psalm 44:1 Can you say what he said? Can you say that you have heard what God has done in times of old? I think many of us don’t even realize what is possible with God because we haven’t heard. We’re not asking for revival because we don’t know what revival is. We haven’t heard the stories of when God has come down among the people. After giving an account of revival in the Hebrides Duncan Campbell asked the people a question: “My dear people, do you good folk understand what...