Jacob Reaume on freedom fighters & kingdom fighters

Jacob Reaume writes, " We find ourselves in the middle of a fight for liberty. The declaration of a pandemic in March 2020 led to fear within the general population. The population, including many Christians, cried out to the state to save them from the perceived threat. Fear and a cry of salvation to the state are ingredients for tyranny. Individuals, businesses, and, most important to me, the Bride of Christ now find themselves under the heavy hand of a state employing increasingly brutal measures of enforcement to coerce formerly free citizens and organizations into compliance. The state has essentially claimed ownership over almost all aspects of our existence, including the Bride of Christ, under the pretense of loving us enough to save us from a virus. With mounting fines and increasing threats from the state for asserting the crown rights of Jesus over His church and His worship, we find ourselves in the centre of a conflict for liberty." Later...