Favourite 6 Reformed Biographies

This is a near impossible task as I particularly love biographies (and own hundreds). I chose to name this list of six, Favourite 6 Reformed Biographies, first because I wouldn't presume to name the top 6. There are so many I haven't read! I chose the title, second, because my own library is divided between reformed biographies and non-reformed biographies. In a future post I will share my favourite 6 non-reformed biographies. I should note here that I include among the reformed, reformed Baptists, reformed Methodists and reformed Anglicans. What do I mean by 'reformed'? Simply that they hold to the doctrines of grace and to the 10 commandments. Here, then, are my favourite 6 (of the reformed): 1. Memoirs & Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne - Charles Spurgeon said this one should be in every Christian's library. 2. Diary and Journal of David Brainerd - Few books have had the impact on the C...