Judging Judge Not by Todd Friel

[The following was originally posted on our church blog on March 3, 2016] Although generally familiar with Wretched Radio, I don't follow Todd Friel. I picked up this book after it was recommended to me by another pastor; and after his commendation I was looking forward to reading it. I came away, however, seriously disappointed. I have taken the time to review this book because I believe it represents a troubling trend in conservative Christianity. First, the pros . A. Todd Friel is courageous. He loves the truth as he puts it because "Loving truth is the same as loving God because He is the truth... If we love God, we will pursue truth tenaciously and defend it at all costs." Todd doesn't hesitate to name names believing that "refusal to confront error is" [as Spurgeon put it] 'treason to Christ'...". I believe this is helpful, and I am grateful for his courage. I have always had a particular love for those courageous for truth. W...