Romans 13 and the role of the State

I have received lots of private correspondence about Romans 13, so here is a brief answer to some of those concerns. Gavin Beers has said that public worship "is the holy convocation of saints with the peculiar promise of His presence and blessing." He then added that that holy convocation "is issued by a divine call through the Church not the State." So w hat ought to be the State's attitude toward the Church? They are in the words of Beers to "promote and encourage the fulfillment of that call." They are as Samuel Slater ( Puritan Sermons, vol. 4 ) explained, to "contribute what in them is to the promoting of the true religion, the power of godliness, and a scriptural reformation, together with a hearty and vigorous suppression of profaneness!" Note carefully the words of the WCF: "The civil magistrate may not assume to himself the administration of the Word and sacraments, or the power of the keys of the kingdom of he...