The Magistrate and the Conscience: a case for civil disobedience

The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our law giver, the Lord is our king; he will save us. - Isaiah 33:22 Thomas Manton says if we take these words in a spiritual sense "the words are exclusive : God, and no other , our only judge, our only lawgiver, &c. God only knoweth the conscience, and therefore God only must judge it, and give laws to it. God only can punish the conscience for sins, and therefore he only can make a sin." But this raises a question (and probably from some quarters an objection). What about Romans 13:5? Paul says, "Wherefore ye must be subject, not only for wrath, but for conscience' sake." Doesn't this mean that the laws of men can 'oblige' the conscience. True - to a point. The laws of men do oblige the conscience, but - as Manton put it - "not in that order and manner that God's do." He names three differences. I will name them here and explain them in my own words. 1. "Not...