A retraction
Over the course of the last year, I have had plenty of time to privately reflect on what transpired through 2020 and 2021, and I have concluded that on some points I was in the wrong. I have decided to address those things here. Some may disagree with what I have concluded, but I write here first and last for Him. First, I believe I was sometimes overly harsh and severe in my writing. I have since removed several blog posts, which I now believe lacked grace and char ity. I still believe the churches should have remained open through the lockdowns, but I wish I had written with a better understanding of my own heart and a more charitable view of my brothers in Christ. I was appalled by what I saw in those days, but in my zeal to speak the truth I sometimes lacked compassion and grace. Second, when I was wronged by colleagues in the ministry I had a choice. I could have covered what I believed to be sin, but I chose instead to expose it to the pub...