On mask wearing and obeying civil authorities

Not very long ago we were told by Christian leaders that it would be wrong to gather for worship even while wearing masks because the civil authorities had forbidden us from gathering in groups of more than 5.  It was - we were told - a matter of Christian obedience pure and simple.  Since then we have seen some interesting (and worrying) developments.   The government has allowed us to gather in larger groups and many (though certainly not most) churches have begun to do so.  However, the authorities have told us that while we may gather we may not sing, and more recently they have told us we must wear masks.  

So, how have churches responded to these developments?  Many churches have decided to play it safe.  I will call them ‘group A’.  Worried about the virus they have decided to resume worship in the fall or even later.  Eventually they will begin meeting again, but they are in no rush to do so.  They have told their congregations they are waiting until it is safe to do so.  Like the seed sown in rocky soil I suspect these would not fare very well in persecution.  Other churches have resumed gathering but have decided to obey the authorities on both points.  I will call them ‘group B’.  They do not sing and because the government has told them they must, they wear masks.  Other churches have gone a different route.  I will call them ‘group C’.  They are obeying and disobeying.  They require masks but they sing (though they have been told not to).  And then there are those of us (in ‘group D‘) who have chosen to carry on as before.  We have continued to gather for worship since this began, we have continued to sing, and we do not require masks.   

To the average born again believer this must all seem very strange and troubling.  Clearly, group A are concerned about something other than submission to authorities.  Originally that may have been part of the decision making, but something else has taken over.  I suspect it is fear.  They may use the language of love, but in preserving the physical body from a potential virus (with a mortality rate of 0.01% or less) they are neglecting the emotional needs of the congregation and community, they are neglecting the soul, and they are neglecting God.  This is unChristian.  As William Secker put it, “a Christian cares not to what danger he is liable, so long as Jesus is but honoured thereby.”  

Group B have decided very simply that it’s up to the government.  If the government allows them to sing to God they will.  If not they won’t.  Should the government reduce the size of gatherings down to 5 they will obey them.  If masks are required they will wear masks.  This group are rendering unto Caesar not only what is Caesar’s but also what is God’s.

Group C are represented by many in the reformed churches.  They are colleagues and respected leaders in the Church many of whom I love and admire; but I find their position the most puzzling.  Remember that these same voices told us that wearing masks to worship early on wouldn’t cut it.  It wasn’t just about the virus it was about submission (Romans 13 and the 5th commandment).  Now these same voices are telling us once again that we should obey the government when they tell us to wear masks.  And when parishioners question the lawfulness or reasonableness of the bylaw they are told its the loving thing to do.  To refuse a mask is selfish.  Here’s the strange irony: they insist on singing though the same government tells them not to!   Their explanation for this inconsistency is that in the one case the government’s authority is circa sacra whereas in the other it is in sacris.  In other words, in the one case the government’s authority is around the things of the Church (which is legitimate) whereas in the other it is in the things of the Church (which is illegitimate).  The government (they tell us) in forbidding us from gathering is simply exercising their rightful authority around the things of the church.  But when the government tells us not to sing they are overstepping and wrongfully meddling in the affairs of the Church.   I have seen complex lengthy treatises with references to our forefathers, but I haven’t seen the biblical basis for this fine distinction.  Actually, I wonder if some of the criticisms that have been levelled at John MacArthur by these same men might equally have been levelled at the apostle Peter.  It seems a simple “we must obey God rather than man” isn’t theologically refined enough for the modern theologian.   But what exactly are we saying when we say the government can forbid gatherings for worship but cannot forbid singing?  It’s like saying your neighbour can’t come into your home and tell your kids what to eat, but they can come into your home and tell your kids not to eat at all.   Strange reasoning!  I would think that if they can’t tell my children what to eat they certainly cannot tell them not to eat at all.  The one is the foundation of the other.  To say that the government can lawfully prevent us from gathering for worship altogether but mustn’t tell us what to do or not do in worship is logically inconsistent and biblically unwarranted.  I fear though that it is all too convenient because it allows them to carry on unmolested by the authorities and respected by the world.  

It is no surprise, then, that groups A, B and C are for mandating masks.

Here’s the basic problem...

Few are entirely clear on what the issue actually is.  Is it Romans 13 or love your neighbour?   I often hear both, but neither argument seems able to stand on its own merits.  If holes are found in the Romans 13 defence Matthew 22 is cited.  If holes are found in the Matthew 22 defence Romans 13 is cited.  At best wearing a mask has the appearance of love, but what is sacrificed for this appearance is real meaningful love - love between saints, love for the lost, the sick and the alienated.  The irony in all of this is that the same people who have never lodged a stranger, who neglect the hungry, the naked and the prisoners tell us it isn’t loving when we refuse to wear masks.  Many in the church never invite the poor and the maimed around their dinner tables, but in the name of love they would have the rest of us put a piece of cloth over our mouths.  This when the virus is known to be far less deadly than initially thought.

I suspect, actually, that for many church leaders the real issue isn’t Matthew 22 but Romans 13; otherwise they would have worn masks before the bylaws came into effect and they would wear them long after the bylaws are forgotten!  So it comes down to obedience.   

So let’s think in basic terms about obedience to the civil authorities as it relates to mask wearing, particularly in the church.

1. First, church leaders haven’t a right to legislate.  But this is precisely what many reformed churches are doing.  Members are told they must wear masks if they come for worship.  Now God hasn’t said so.  Which means it is their say so.  That should worry every Christian.  What is that if it isn’t an abuse of power?  Can our elders command their people to wear black to church?  Can they require the people to abstain from alcohol?  How do we typically answer those questions?  “Not if God hasn’t said so.”  We bear mercifully with those who impose such laws on themselves, but we wouldn’t think to bind them on the conscience of God’s people because we know we haven’t the right to do so!   Churches need to remember that the authority of presbyteries is ministerial rather than legislative.  We cannot make up rules.  God legislates, we minister.  We seriously err when we add or take away from what He has said. 

2. Second, masks are a symbol of a lie.   We are living in an age of experts.  Instead of thinking for ourselves we are urged to trust the word of the men and women with expertise.  This is true in society and sadly also in the Church.  We take it on the ‘say so’ of scholars and doctors, pastors and theologians.  We are forever quoting what someone else has said.  As Bereans, however, we are to think for ourselves as we search the Scriptures to see if these things are so... whether we have seminary or medical training or whether we don’t.  Anyone can search far enough to discover that covid-19 has a very very low mortality rate, but there is something else we all have: common sense.   All of us can see by our own experience that this pandemic isn’t nearly so serious as we are being told.  Very few of us know one anyone who has died as a result of covid.  Few of us know anyone who has even had the virus.  In previous pandemics, every home was somehow affected, and not merely economically.  Everyone knew someone (often many) who had died.  And yet we are told we must wear masks in case we have the virus in case we infect someone in case they should be one of the very very small number who get very sick.   This is madness.  As Christians we must speak the truth in love.  Never forget that we are in a fight not so much against flesh and blood as against principalities and powers.  Satan is the father of lies.   What we are witnessing (in terms of the deception and fear) comes rather from the pit of the hell than from the Lord of glory.   Many Christians sense this.  What should we do?  We need to keep in mind that the same experts warning us about this virus don’t know the difference between a male and a female, they call the murder of babies a woman’s choice, they redefine marriage to allow abomination, they call good evil and evil good.  They aren’t trustworthy.  So, how do we bear witness for God in this world?  How do we shine as lights in this darkness?   We don’t give in to the lie.  We cheerfully and lovingly refuse the mask.

3. Third, masks are a symbol of ungodly slavish submission more becoming Islam than Christianity.  It is interesting isn’t it that the only physical sign of submission in the Bible is a head covering.  The only piece of cloth to be worn is to be worn by women on the head (1 Corinthians 11).  Yet, in most churches instead of cloth on the head, cloth is now being placed on the mouth.  Where is the biblical precedent for this practice?  Covering the mouth is a symbol of shame nowhere required by God, except (in shamefacedness before Him) as we put our hands to our mouths in repentance.  Yet the government would have us bow before their authority by donning a mask not for God but for them.  How opposite God’s law!  There it is the sick, not the well who are quarantined.  There it is women not men who wear the symbol of submission (on the head not the face).  There it is God not government to be worshipped.  But what is so tragic in our situation is the response of the Church.  We are told by Church leaders that we are supposed to wear it for one reason.  Not because it makes sense in the old fashioned common way.  Not because it is actually loving.  Not because God has commanded it.  Rather, wear it simply at their say so.  The say so of the government and the say so of the Church.   This is not responsible nor lawful leadership.  When Romans 13 is cited it is forgotten that the apostle Paul carefully qualifies his statements.  The civil authorities he is speaking about are ministers for good, and the commands we are to obey are lawful commands.  We have neither the one nor the other.  Our ministers have long since ceased being ministers for good and their commands are neither based in common natural law nor are they based in biblical law. 

4. Fourth, masks are a symbol of fear.  What has the government told us this is about?  Saving lives.   Have you seen the visceral fear in their eyes?  Have you watched as people shrink away from you?  Have you gone to greet another believer not with a kiss but a handshake only to be refused?   Has it seemed strange to you how Christians have reacted so much like the world as if also afraid?   When we speak of masks we are not talking about masks worn by surgeons performing surgery.  Neither are we talking about masks worn by physicians dealing with highly infectious patients.  We are talking about masks worn by people who have no symptoms in the hope that by doing so their lives and the lives of others might (possibly) be spared.  This is so utterly unlike the Christianity of our forefathers, and so far from the hall of faith in Hebrews it would be unrecognizable to them.  Dear brothers and sisters, we have a better message than this for the world!  We say with Paul, “to die is gain!”   We are to be a people whose lives make no sense to an earthbound world.  None.  We ought to be like Paul as if beside ourselves in the service of our Master.  Paul wrote about this to the Corinthians.  “Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized for them? And as for us, why do we endanger ourselves every hour?  I face death every day—yes, just as surely as I boast about you in Christ Jesus our Lord.  If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus with no more than human hopes, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”  Does our behaviour in recent months send a message like this to the world?  Can we say to them, “why do we endanger ourselves every hour?”  They ought to be asking us why we aren’t afraid.  Our lives should look foolish to them.  In fact, the resurrection alone should make sense of what we do.  Sadly, most Christians in this (as in so many other things) look just like the world.  When we put on a mask we are communicating to the world something about our priorities.  We show ourselves to be influenced by the world and lovers of the world.  On other hand, what happens if we don’t?   They won’t understand.  They will think possibly we are beside ourselves.  A bit mad...  They may even ask us questions, and then we can tell them why we don’t.  We can tell them the gospel of Christ and share with them our hope and our longing for heaven

5. Fifth, by the man made ‘tradition’ of mask wearing we make void the commandments of God.  God says repeatedly, “greet each other with a holy kiss.”  We can’t do that while wearing a mask and socially distancing.  But it gets worse.  We can’t even fulfill the spirit of that law.  Masks communicate something.  They are a visual reminder to stay away, and that’s exactly what we are witnessing.  Where masks are worn people remain at a cool distance.  Ask yourself, is this like New Testament Christianity?  Then there were deadly diseases on a scale unknown to us and they didn’t have the luxury of antibiotics nor the luxury of worrying about limited supplies for intensive care units.  They didn’t have such things. They had none of the remedies we have now.  And what did Jesus do?  Can you imagine Jesus wearing a mask?  I can’t.  Actually I don’t need to imagine what He would have done.  At a time when it was far far more dangerous to do so He did the opposite.  Instead of distancing He went where others wouldn’t dare go.  He regularly touched the sick.  We know we ought to imitate Him, but can we walk like Jesus in this world?  Not if we obey our government. 

 I recently visited another church while on vacation.  We had to register beforehand and when we arrived they had to verify that we had, indeed, registered.  So, no last minute visitors allowed.   That day there would be no tax collectors, no Charles Spurgeons turning in last minute from a storm to hear by ‘chance’ the gospel message like he had never heard it before... just those registered.  Inside the church we were not warmly greeted, but checked off a list and then made to feel like outsiders because we didn’t have our masks.   And when the service was over everyone scattered for their cars because not allowed to mingle and fellowship.  This in the name of obedience to the government.  How many of God’s laws are we breaking for this new tradition?  How many “one another” commands are left unfulfilled in the name of love?  We have allowed the world to define love, we have bowed to godless authorities, while having the audacity to criticize good men who have dared to “be a Daniel”.  What has happened to us?    When will the Church realize that God is sifting her?  When will the Church have done with lesser things and answer with the simple courage of a Peter, we will obey God rather than men?

May God help us to stand with boldness in this evil day and shine as bright lights for Him who is worthy.

For the follow up go here.

May 24, 2021: For a recent follow up go here.


  1. This entire thing is laughable. There is a great hubris coming from you that you cannot see.

    What happened to where as little as two or three are gathered in my name. You don't need a sizeable congregation for worship to occur. You are stuck to form and format. No more than the pharisees. You seek to bind others by your rules, which God doesn't. Everything you accuse others of, you are eminently guilty of, but you don't see it. It is a shame.

    Concerning the Virus. The experts have had much more humility than you, mentioning that they don't know enough early on, and they were learning more as they went along. With more information, they have informed the populace on measures to take, to return to normal as soon as possible.

    New Zeelanders, who obeyed the experts and government, have reported zero localized cases in 100 days (3 months!), and they are back to normal. Pastors & Clergy man who lead people to the ditch have been a problem since the dark ages and continue to be a problem today.

    But carry on. You will have your reward.

    1. What was that about New Zealand?

    2. Well Izaak, they were operation without even a mask mandate, carrying on as Normal because they the people did a quarantine properly. Some external parties, have reintroduced it again to them.

      And perhaps, one might say their "lockdown" might be an over-reaction (by going back a couple of levels, but it is a cautionary step), but I will trust them to carry things out in the best fashion. They have delivered results before.

    3. Oh and Izaak, you complain saying below " The government guidelines treat the healthy as if they are sick".

      You forget your bible treats those who even have outwardly good attributes and characteristics as if they evil, proclaiming that even a child who hasn't done anything has a propensity towards evil.

      You should consider your theology carefully, before prattling on about. But u r free to complain.

    4. It is currently winter in NZ

    5. You are laughable. And about the accusing, that is also laughable. BTW our town also has just one case, and pretty much everything is open. How do you explain that?

    6. You are misusing the text "where two or three are gathered in my name" so many do. It is referring to mutual discipline within the church, read the context.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. When winter comes, the viruses return and New Z will be hit again. I am building my immunity, no mask and church without masks. My Father has already numbered my days. No mask will save me, only Jesus.

    1. We'll see if it comes back. They have been 100 days without a COVID-19 case being reported, not death but case.

  4. I have noticed that the churches who have taken the "covid cash" from the Government are following the mandates to a T.
    This is a slippery slope that should have never been crossed.

    1. Get over yourself. This will only be a temporary measure until the coronavirus goes away. It will only go away if certain measures are taken. If you ignore those measures then a lot more people are going to die. Do you want your deaths on their hands?

    2. Do you really think it will only be temporary? This has affected our culture's habits and social practises very deeply.

    3. Yep. Viruses like the spanish flu do go away, but the time they take is dependent upon how careful people are not spreading it around.

    4. wfetgnrikul
      Spanish flu was from a vaccine US Vaccines Caused ‘Spanish Flu’

      “The 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ started in American military Camp Funston, Fort Riley, USA, amongst troops making ready for W.W.I – taking on board vaccinations, recruit training and all. It eventually killed about 40,000,000 people worldwide. That flu strain only appeared briefly once again, according to the US Atlanta CDC. This was in 1976 and again it struck at the US army camp Fort Dix, USA, amongst recently vaccinated troops (and no one else EVER); Fort Dix is known to have been a vaccine trial centre. Was the world’s greatest ‘influenza’ scourge another well-hidden vaccine disaster?”—John P Heptonstall

      – The Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 Was Caused By Vaccinations
      – Tending Nurse Claimed Spanish Influenza Outbreak of 1918 Caused by Vaccinations

  5. Thanks, Pastor Steve. Our church has been discussing how to deal with the civil authorities in relation to the church under the present circumstances. Your insights and perspective are very helpful. God Bless. James K.

    1. Sadly they're dangerous. The pastor would have you believe that the government guidelines for a pandemic are non-Christian. His opinions are unscientific.

    2. The government guidelines treat the healthy as if they are sick. Such an approach finds no basis whatsoever in scripture. What we do have in scripture is explicit examples of the quarantine of sick, physical distancing, and even face coverings (Leviticus 13:42-46). But maybe the Lord was not as caring as we are.

    3. Issac, you are misinformed. The whole problem with COVID-19 is that in some people it is asymptomatic, meaning that they could have it and not know it and pass it off to someone and it could kill them. So they idea is to be as proactive as possible. Hence the need for masks and social distancing.

    4. I am not misinformed at all. I know there is asymptomatic transmission. There has always been asymptomatic transmission of diseases, including what we now call leprosy. Even with that in mind, God only required the quarantining of those who were symptomatic. Regarding what we now call leprosy:

      "Blood donors are usually individuals with above-average health, and, as expected, most of those exposed to M. leprae do not develop disease. Once M. leprae has successfully entered the bloodstream and before the appearance of leprosy signs or symptoms, it remains a subclinical infection, which can spontaneously heal or progress to disease. In this period, it is plausible that these healthy carriers play a role in the chain of transmission and contribute to the maintenance of bacillary burden in regions where leprosy is endemic (3)."


  6. Can I ask why my extensive comment was deleted?

    You have no scientific basis for your claims.

    1. I regularly ignore or delete anonymous comments.

    2. It was a counter to your article. You've made some exceptionally dangerous comments. None of what you said had *any* basis in science. These are temporary measures, not a tradition which you claim it is.

      If I put it up again, will you leave it up?

    3. I will leave it up if you stop hiding behind anonymity.

    4. I don't know how to change my name, but I will add my name to it. How's that?

    5. wfetgnrikul, tell us all how much your love the Lord Jesus Christ? I take it you're Christian, otherwise, what would you be doing on a Christian blog. Remember, faith as a Christian...... Is unscientific!

    6. Irrelevant Gerard. When this happens it affects EVERYONE, that's not the thing you're understanding here.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I would assume then the author of this article would not allow elders to ask a woman to wear a dress or skirt not pants to church? Or to cover her shoulders? Or not to light up a cigarette in church? Wearing a mask in a public space is a bylaw as no smoking inside buildings is. I would also hope anyone holding to this view would never ask people to drive the speed limit on the church road so as to set a good example for the neighborhood.

  9. Also deleting comments is slightly cowardly. You have every right yo your opinion, but so do others. When you post something so controversial on a public forum you open yourself up to opposition. When someone explains a different opinion, answer them or leave it there for others to read.

    1. Not at all. You will notice I have kept other negative comments. But this post was written for a Christian audience and the comment was inappropriate.

    2. Andrea, I posted a comprehensive rebuttal but it was deleted.

  10. We should always use scripture, instead our opnion. A so called virus is a fear, greater than the Lord's fear for many christians, proffessors or possesors. On three different occasions and six times in scripture, the Lord Jesus tells us we shall lose our life if we try to keep, save, or preseve it. Heaven and earth shall perish, but never His word. Time christians see the connection. There is a time to be born and to die. Those times are in His Hands, not in ours. King Hezekia was granted another 15 years. Could be for our info, for our instruction I think .

    1. This isn't about religion. It's independent of religion. It's a matter of science.

    2. I am not sure you have read your bible thoroughtly.

      In the old testament, God warned Israel of a seige and a coming army (which would cause fear). He told them to run (which is a reaction to fear), and not be obstinate and try to fight back.

      Jesus told His followers, if you are being persecuted or chased away (a fear inducing experience) that they should flee, walk away, leave the area.

      God tells us to reason. This means using facts & science, because science is just patterns in the world that God has put in place and we are learning about.

      It is sad that too many Christians eschew reason, eschew logic, and do super illogical things, and make excuses for perversion. The mandate to obey authorities, to follow peace with all men, to seek the good and well-being of where ever you are going out the window, when they want to exert their self-serving idea.

      This pastor is thoroughly misguided.

    3. *wherever you are goes out the window

  11. This whole article is backwards, I disagree with almost everything that was said here.

    I'm also curious about your stance on fire extinguishers, AEDs and other things the bylaws dictate we have in church. From reading this I would assume you also believe these things promote a fear culture and we should say "to die is to gain" when our church buildings are on fire or one of our members is having a heart attack.
    Why is it that we trust the experts when they say that second hand smoke is dangerous or when the government gives us building codes for our safety. We follow these rules in our churches without question because the government put them in place for a reason. You say here that the pandemic is not as serious as we are being told and that very few of us know anyone who has died as a result of Covid, I would argue that even fewer of us know anyone who has died from falling down the stairs but it is still within the churches best interest to build their staircases according to the building code that the government has put before us for our safety. We follow so many bylaws in case something happens because it's a responsible thing to do. God has not commanded us in the Bible to do so many of these things. Would you also call this an abuse of power? If you are consistent, It seems you are saying if I were to come to a service at your church and smoke a cigarette in the pew you wouldn’t think to bind that bylaw on my conscience "because we know we haven’t the right to do so!"

    I don't think you understand what it means to be a Christain and care for others.

    1. Just because the elders of a church go along with one mandate of a civil authority, does not mean that a) they do it out of compulsion, or b) that they must follow all mandates. An AED does not affect the worship of God. Railings on stairs do not affect the worship of God. Forcing eveyrone to wear a covering on their face does affect the worship of God, and the communion of the saints. Saying "you can't sing" affects the worship of God. Saying "you can't take communion" affects the worship of God. There's a very big difference in these things.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I could be wrong but I don't believe anyone has been told they cannot sing or cannot take communion. It may look different than before, but different and new is not wrong. As reformed churches, we often elevate tradition and turn (well meaning) traditions into rules. Could you explain how wearing a face mask inhibits you from worshiping? I struggle to understand this.

    4. Part of the Lord's day worship of the people of God is to fellowship and commune with one another. God made us with faces to be uncovered, and to be seen. The scriptures are replete with examples wherein a lack of fellowship with God is equated to God "turning his face" away or "hiding his face". This principle is also reflected by his image bearers. We know from experience that covering one's face inhibits communion and fellowship. We cannot allow this to take place, to the detriment of the church. Covering one's face is about as "unnatural" as you can get. For this reason, there are many laws that until 2020, prohibited a person from covering their face in certain places.

    5. There's plenty of clear mask options or face shields. God turning his face away in displeasure is much more than us wearing a mask covering our nose and mouth to protect others.

  12. These two quotes from the article really stood out to me,

    "We are talking about masks worn by people who have no symptoms in the hope that by doing so their lives and the lives of others might (possibly) be spared."

    To me this is exactly the reason wear a mask, because I actually care about other people and I have no way of knowing if I am carrying the virus at any given moment and also no way of knowing if the person next to me is immuno compromised. So rather than take a risk with their health I wear a mask. This is also the reason I don't drive 150km/h through a school zone. Because that could be putting others at risk and I care about other people.

    "They won’t understand. They will think possibly we are beside ourselves. A bit mad... They may even ask us questions, and then we can tell them why we don’t. We can tell them the gospel of Christ and share with them our hope and our longing for heaven"

    Couldn't this mentality then also be used to justify any action that made us stand out from the world? Reckless or distracted driving, not wearing a seat belt, not following safety precautions in the workplace etc.

    To say not wearing a mask is a good way to evangelize is like saying a good way to start a conversation about salvation is to sneeze in someone's face..

  13. For those who disagree with this thought pattern, I see where you are coming from with some of your points. but when some (who knows how many) of our municipal, provincial, and national leaders who force these covid measures on us do not practice them, it makes one question the validity of them.

    1. You are not incorrect in saying that leaders often display poor examples, such as this pastor displaying a power example of fostering obedience, but might get up to preach about fostering obedience sometime soon.

      Nevertheless. The science is unfolding in real-time. It is messy. It is being improved. They initially said masks would do absolutely nothing. But more data has shown that is incorrect for the way this virus transmit. At least they are humble enough to make corrections & declare that they don't know everything about this and that they are learning and improving as they go.

      Too bad this pastor is seemingly drunk on hubris.

    2. Mace, who are you? You speak bravely from a position of anonymity. Are you willing to stand behind your words and share your name publicly? Your comments are welcome, but I would appreciate it more if I knew your name. Also, are you a Christian?

  14. It seems to me that we may be making a bigger deal out or wearing masks than we should. Here is what I mean. Wearing a mask is a medical or health issue. Some people eat lots of vitamins, some people exercise regularly, some people get the flu shot - and some people don't. All of these are things that people, including Christians, may or may not do. When the government tries to force people to do these types of things it becomes a political issue. I am not theologically against people wearing masks any more than I am against people getting the flu shot - although I do neither one. I am definitely against the government forcing people to do these things. When it comes to wearing masks in church I firmly believe that it is a detriment to worship and to fellowship. Further it communicates that as a community we are living in fear. If the Covid19 virus was running rampant through our community and infecting and killing people left right and centre I think wisdom would warrant greater care and I think most churches would voluntarily take measures to mitigate the risk. This is simply not the case today. I farm for a living and face risks of all sorts every day, from falling off a roof (which I almost did this morning) to being killed by a tree I am felling, to being injured by livestock, to accidents with heavy equipment, to severing a limb with a power tool. Catching Covid seems like small potatoes compared to most of the bad things that could happen to me on any given day of the week. Statistically you are more likely to be hurt or killed driving to work right now that catching a serious or fatal case of Covid19. Should we ban all vehicles out of love for our neighbour? Should churches show their love for others by requiring their congregants to walk to church to avoid any risk of a car accident? If they don't and an accident happens, does the church have blood on its hands? I think we do well to keep things in perspective. My father who is in his mid 80's (and reasonably healthy for his age although he does suffer from asthma) told us that he will not live the rest of his life in fear. If it is his time for God to call him home then it is his time, and if not then he won't die of Covid. In the mean time he intends to keep on living and worshipping and fellowshipping with God's people. I think that is a good perspective for an 80 something year old and a good perspective for a 50 something year old too.

    1. Such fatalism is more appropriate to Islam than to biblical faith. Our theological roots in Judaism instruct us to save life above all else - others' but also our own. There us a difference between being courageous and careless.

    2. James, you consideration is looking at it from a wrong perspective. View the fight against this virus like WW2. Everybody had to do their part. Everyone had to sacrifice, so that good can come out of it, lives can be saved, beat the evil, and we could return to "normal".

      Wearing masks in an armour to combat the effects of an unseen enemy.

  15. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/4-reasons-wear-mask/

  16. My name is Dr Mat Hunt and I'm an applied mathematician with a specialism in mathematical modelling. You can find out a little more about me from my website(www.hyperkahler.co.uk). As far as I'm concerned, the content of this article is very irresponsible during this pandemic.

    The first thing is that the infection rate from person to person are several times higher than flu and the death rate is multiple times higher than flu, 165000 people dead from COVID-19 in the US can attest to that. There has been a number of temporary guidelines that have been brought in to slow the spread.
    1) Wear a mask, typically masks come into two forms: a plastic face guard and a cloth mask which goes over your nose mouth, nose and chin. The first type of mask is to protect you from stray droplets with the virus in. The second type of mask is cloth and protects other people from the droplets which you breath out. With these types of masks, you need to wash them at high temperature regularly or throw away, if they're one use masks. These types of masks are designed to absorb the droplets you breath out and you see filters in the surgical looking ones. You *should* have been taught how viruses spread in a population, the same applies here but the consequences are much much worse.
    2) Social distancing, this is pretty much self explanatory. Droplets have a mass and as such be subject to gravity and will fall to Earth. So the distance has been designed so the droplets people breath out will fall to the floor before the reach you. Again this is self-explanatory.
    3) Wash your hands. When you go out, there is a non-zero probability you'll touch something which has been infected with the virus. So you need to wash your hands. This is the reason why shops(at least in the UK) have hand sanitiser which you should use before and after you go into and out of a shop.

    These three things should help to reduce the spread of the virus. There are some pastors who are being very irresponsible by advocating not wearing masks or social distancing. They cite religious freedom not understanding that their actions can be the root cause of flair ups in their area. They need to understand that these measures are temporary and the sooner they adhere to these, the sooner they can go back to being normal.

    There isn't a "tradition" forming regarding wearing mask, it's purely temporary. The closer you adhere to governmental guidelines, the quicker this pandemic will be over.

    1. Thanks Mat. Are you a believer?
      Also I am wondering what your thoughts are on the following (I am genuinely interested in your perspective):
      First, why do you think the experts initially told us masks wouldn't be helpful in protecting us against covid?
      Second, where social distancing is in place what difference do masks make? I continue to hear experts say that where social distancing is in place masks are unnecessary.
      Third, what do you say to those of us believe the virus is real and in some cases very serious (resulting in long term illness or death) but who are still left scratching our heads at the low mortality rate and over-reaction on the part of health officials to those rates.

    2. This isn't a question of faith, but one of science. Whether or not I believe in a god is irrelevant.
      1) I honestly don't know when it's been effective in asian countries. I can only guess at the quality of the typical masks availible wouldn't meet to the standards of medical masks, and so people were told not to bother, but this is purely a guess on my part.
      2) It's about reducing the probability as much as possible. When you breath out the droplets of your saliva are still in the air, the masks are not 100% effective at stopping *all* of your breath and if you still socially distance but move about you could potentially walk through that cloud of breath droplets and it might go into your eyes and infect you in that way.
      3) low mortaility rate? How many dead in the US so far? 165000? Look at the dailty death rate to get an idea of just how dangerous it is. Another piece of data which is useful is the number of deaths above average for this time of year there are. In the UK it's quite high suggestion you're incorrect. On top of that even if COVID-19 doesn't kill you, it can permanently damage your internal organs. This has been widely reported.

      Dr Mat Hunt

    3. Thank you for your reply Dr Hunt. I would like to try to explain why it is a matter of faith. I know there are some out there who do not think the virus is real. Others think it isn't dangerous at all. I don't agree with them. I believe that in some cases the virus is very dangerous, though the science so far seems to indicate that the mortality rate is very low (something slightly more than the regular flu). If you can show me reputable sources demonstrating a higher mortality rate I would be interested in seeing them. But as a Christian my first concern is not safety but God's honour. I want to find out, what does God want me to do? What will glorify Him? That's why I wrote this piece. I am not suggesting that Christians should take zero precautions. According the 6th commandment we are to do what we reasonably can to preserve life. So - for example - I must drive reasonably, visit the doctor when I am sick, and wear a mask where it is appropriate. But I am not convinced that in this case wearing a mask is reasonable: wearing it in case someone is sick. Actually its the opposite. As Christians we know that our times are in God's hand, so we don't live in fear. We don't wear masks during flu season and we don't need to wear masks now. If the numbers change I would be happy to rethink my position.

    4. I'll say again, it is simply not a matter of faith. I explained the reasons why wearing a mask, social distancing and regularly washing your hands reduces the chances of infecting others and being infected yourself. No amount of theological acrobatics will get around this.

      Simply examine the death in the plague hundreds of years ago when religious belief was very high, if prayer would have worked, it should have worked then but it didn't. Remember, it's not just your life you are putting at risk but others as wel, and that's something you're not taking into consideration. You might feel comfortable dying for god, but what about other people? Are they happy to die for your choices? A safe bet is no they aren't.

      Here is some information regarding statistics of COVID-19. Please read it and change your message. You are the reason why people die.


    5. I find it interesting how you are a mathematician, but speak like you are a scientist. And you can't even call this a pandemic. A pandemic is a highly infectious disease. I don't personally know one person who has got it, and I don't know anybody who know anybody who has died of it. And BTW there are only 9,000 deaths in total in Canada. Not 135,000. I'm not sure where you got your stats, but I got mine from The World Health Organization.

    6. Mathematicians are scientists and scientists depend on them to help interpret statistics.

  17. Can anybody explain the end goal? Is it goal zero? Why is it immoral to question the mask by-law? How long is too long to wear a mask? Can we continue to create more laws that are 'virtuous'? If yes, should they be followed? When do people get an opinion on how our lives are handled? Has mask technology improved since January? Are masks now capable of things they previously were not? The expert opinions have changed a couple of times. How long would you like to stay in your house for? If it is for the sake of other people's lives, how much are you willing to give up? What if the popular opinion in the media changed (experts) changed and they said you could send your children to school tomorrow with no restrictions, how would you perceive that? Having a healthy skepticism of the people who lead is should be ok. It keeps everyone honest. Blind faith in government leaders does not.
    These numbers were from a month or so ago when I checked on them.

    Canada Population 37,500,000
    Total Cases 109,000 (0.29% of population)
    Active Cases 27,513 (0.07% of population)
    Total Deaths 8810 (8.08% of total cases)

    1. Out of curiosity where did you get those numbers? 8 % is significantly higher than the number I gave in this article.

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