Top 6 Books on Revival
Updated October 28, 2020 Here I want to recommend books on the theme of revival. By that I do not mean biographies of men used in revival like Whitefield, Wesley or Elias. Rather, I mean books written either about the subject itself or books that give accounts of revival. Years ago I was introduced to Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill. That book (in 2003) changed my life. In fact it had more of an impact on me than any book since. From that point I have had a growing interest in the subject of revival and also a growing burden to see the Lord revive the Church in this country. In 2004 I discovered Sermon Index . That year I heard three sermons/talks that dramatically impacted me. The first was titled Ten Shekels and a Shirt . Though it isn't a sermon on revival, the subject of revival came up. It was a sermon that changed my perspective on God, missions, salvation and revival. The second was a gripp...