The Christmas Debate
With covid mandates largely behind us the older in-house debates have resurfaced. A persecuted Church doesn’t tend to have time for these lesser matters. There is a focus about her that brings brothers and sisters together in a unity that is very precious and surely also very pleasing to God. P eacetime affords luxuries that aren’t always good for us . The fascination with the finer points of doctrine and the things that divide is not usually healthy or productive. They detract from the greater things we have in common and tend to rob believers of time spent in prayer, fellowship, worship and evangelism. Worse, they often sow seeds of dissension in the Church of Jesus Christ and rupture that which was once very good and precious in the sight of God. At the moment a debate is 'raging' (in some parts) over Christmas, and it is threatening to divide those who have most everything else in common. By that I mean those who were not...