
Showing posts from August, 2022

Frankfurt Declaration

  The Frankfurt declaration is an outstanding statement regarding Christian and civil liberties.  A number of statements have been put together in the last decade but possibly none are as important as this one . I was glad to be among the initial signers, and I would encourage you to sign it too. You may read it here . The declaration begins, "In the course of human events, it sometimes becomes necessary for people of good faith to speak out against the abuse of power. This should be done only after serious and prayerful deliberation, and even then, in an attitude of humility and with respect for the authorities that have been established by God. Such protest should be expressed in the hope that civil authorities who are found to be eroding rights and liberties may yet fulfill their responsibility as their rightful guardians. A few concerned pastors from different continents, moved by an emergent totalitarianism of the State over all realms of society, and particularly the C...

Divine Images, part 9: Mountains

  When I began this series I wrote: "God has not only furnished us with a world that speaks of His power and majesty, but a world also which is full of what Jonathan Edwards called “divine images”.   Because of the Bible, these things which God has created bear witness of Him.  With a Bible in our hands the world is - in a sense - transformed, so that everywhere we go we cannot help but think of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us."    When you look at the mountains, what are you meant to think of?  They are beautiful of course, and they are a testament to the creative might of God.  But they are more than evidence of a great Creator.  We know that because God has said more than that.   When you see the mountains or perhaps large hills remember the following:   First, remember that God's righteousness is like great mountains .  In other words, as Spurgeon explains, His righteousness is "firm and unmoved, lofty and sublime."...