Reflections on my trial
I want to offer here a brief update regarding my court case. I do so with a measure of trepidation. I have heard some say that if I believe my cause is just I should just quietly accept the penalty. Some might think my updates have been motivated by pride. They may feel that what I have done - in keeping my church open - was wrong and that spreading the word about my charges is self-serving and arrogant. I can say this with a fair degree of certainty. Such men do not know my heart. If they did I expect they would find it worse even then they believe. I am nowhere near the man I would like to be, and if there is anything praiseworthy in me it is by the grace of God. The truth is I am probably far more proud than I know. Though I want to eschew pride, and while I desire humility, pride seems strangely natural to sinful men. But I also know what motivated me through 2020 and 2021; and I can say that at every step I ac...